Finding Love: Marriage After 35 for Candra
Discover Candra's inspiring journey as a Christian artisan and photographer who found love after 35. After a series of failed dates, her perseverance led to a special blind date that changed her life.
Cynthia Wilson James
9/26/20236 min read

Meet Candra
Editor's Note: I can't remember the first time I shared Candra's story, but I believe it was nearly 10 years ago. Candra didn't give up after a string of failed dates. After going on a special blind date, she was rewarded with marriage at age 36!
Thank you Candra for sharing your story so that others will find encouragement in reading her journey.
How We Met
How did you meet your husband?
We met on a blind date. This is why I encourage singles to not be shy about expressing their desire to be married. The topic of relationships frequently comes up in casual conversations. It can be a perfect time to briefly mention a desire to be married. You never know who knows who and how connections can be made down the line. It doesn’t work out perfectly every time of course, but it is a good opportunity to meet new people.
Did you think “he may be the one” when you first met your husband?
When I met my husband, I tried not to have great expectations. A string of failed dates can do that to you. So it wasn’t until the end of the evening, after I returned home, that I felt something in my heart nudging that he was the one. We spoke on the phone and went out together for another month or so before agreeing that yes, this is it!
How long did you date him before you married?
We dated two years before we married, however, that was not by choice. Ronnie expressed his desire to marry me after four months of dating. Our hope was to be married a year from then, but due to personal unforeseen circumstances, we had to push our wedding date back. It was difficult but gave us more time to prepare for our future.
Were you a little nervous about getting married after being single for 35+ years? If yes, how did you ease your nervousness?
Oh goodness no! (Reply followed by Candra smiling) I was one of those women who always wanted to be married. It also helped that I was confident in our relationship. Ronnie made me feel safe and protected. I was more nervous about the wedding day itself. When you have waited years to be married, people tend to expect the wedding day of the century. So I was more nervous about that. However knowing that I would be Ronnie’s wife, brought me peace.
Family and Friends Reaction
What was the reaction of your family and friends when you told them that you were getting married?
For me, the greatest reaction was telling family and friends that I had a boyfriend (Big smile from Candra). When I was single, I was truly single. I went out on dates but nothing ever evolved into a serious relationship. The best reaction was from my teenage cousin. I was giving him a ride home from church youth service. Like most teenagers, he plopped in my car and put his earbuds in his ears to listen to his music.
Then I casually said, “Hey Donnie, I have a boyfriend.” He pulled those earphones out of his ears so fast and looked at me with the widest eyes. It was all I could do to keep from driving off the road, I was laughing so hard. The reaction to our marriage announcement was all joy, some tears, and a few sighs of relief.
Was anyone discouraging about the institution of marriage and encouraged you to reconsider? If so, how did you deal with the negativity?
Fortunately, no one tried to discourage me. Perhaps, someone wanted to but knew how long I had waiting for that moment. I did receive a lot of advice and warnings about how difficult marriage can be. My husband and I had many conversations about the institution of marriage and shared with each other our expectations and desires. So open communication with each other helped ease any negative thoughts.
Where did you get married?
We married at a beautiful church in Cincinnati, Ohio. We would have loved to get married in either of our home churches but we needed a place large enough to accommodate our family and friends. I was 36 and my husband was 41. Neither of us had ever been married before. So nobody was going to miss this wedding.
What do you remember most about your wedding day?
The most memorable part of our day was the cheering and celebration as soon as the ceremony started. A stranger would have thought that we were rock stars or something. It was then that I realized that we were not the only ones waiting. Our family and friends were waiting and praying right along with us. Our wedding day was an answer to a cooperate prayer that we would find true love. Therefore, the praise and celebration was in order.
We Are Married
What misconception(s) did you have to overcome in marriage or discovered wasn’t true?
Because of so much exposure to divorce and failed relationships, I actually carried negative misconceptions into the marriage. I hoped for a marriage full of love and bliss but I was a little scared that somehow my husband would fail me or love me less after the honeymoon phase was over. However, I never saw any signs from him that these things would happen. I knew that our marriage was God’s will. Still, years of hearing that there are no good men out there and that all men cheat did something to my consciousness. But now after almost six years of praying, loving, and trusting, we are even more in love. I discovered that marriages do not have to fail. Love is a choice.
What do you enjoy most about married life?
Every marriage is different. Of course, I love romance and spending time together. We both love to travel and enjoy life. But our marriage is also centered on ministry. It is most precious to me that we are a team in preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Advice to Unmarried Sisters
What misconceptions do you think never-been-married singles have about marriage?
It is important for singles to realize that getting married is one of the most selfless things you will do. Getting married is just as much about your future husband’s happiness as it is your own. Marriages tend to falter when each person wants to firmly hold to their individuality.
Becoming one flesh means being willing to be molded, reformed, and refashioned to complement each other. Changes to our preferred way of doing things can be difficult, especially when you have been single and independent for a certain length of time. But, when a husband and wife are zealous with their love, putting the other first, neither should be left wanting.
What advice or words of wisdom do you want to share with single sisters?
Allow God to be the head of your marriage and never let anything or anyone take His place. Communication is important between a husband and wife, but talk to God about your marriage as much as you talk to your husband…even more.
For the days when you just can’t see things the same as your husband, put the situation in God’s hands and trust Him. He knows how to touch the heart of your spouse. If you ever feel that you are lacking something in your marriage, God knows how to make provision and fill those voids. You trust and depend on God during your season of singleness. Do not let that change on the day you say, I do.
Editor's Note: Thank you Candra for sharing her story to encourage Christian Single Women!
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